Elements of Successful Laminate Flooring Installation

If you’re looking at installing new flooring in your home, laminate is a great choice. It continues its rise in popularity, and for good reason; laminate flooring can not only completely transform the look of a room, but it can also make cleaning much easier. This kind of flooring is also quite durable, making it ideal for high-traffic areas of your home.

But installing laminate flooring yourself requires a few considerations. If you are planning on installing your flooring yourself, you will need to understand the importance of proper measurement.

Tools for Proper Measurement

Properly-installed laminate flooring is completely flat without any visible joins. And careful measurement is the only way to achieve this. The best-looking laminate floor will be one that was installed according to the exact size of a room. To do this, you will need a calculator and tape measure.

Finding the accurate size of a room may require the help of a second person. The measuring tape should be extended to the back of all door frames in the room. This will ensure proper extension and fitting of laminate under doors and into doorways.

If Your Room is Oddly-Shaped

An oddly-shaped room can be caused by anything from a fireplace or a bay window to pillars and other features. In order to properly measure for laminate flooring in rooms like these, measure those walls which are unobstructed by features first. Then, measure the length of the features. When added together, you will get your total length.

If your Room is Round

A round room will require a bit more calculation to come up with the right sizes. To do this, find the midpoint of the room’s recess, and measure width and length from that point. Then, divide your length measurement in half and multiply this number by the width.

The total will need to be calculated using 3.14 (pi). Doing this will give you the total area of the circle. To achieve the room’s exact area, simply divide your circle in half. The final number can be obtained by adding the divided circle’s number to the other area totals previously obtained.

If your Room is Rectangular or Square

These rooms represent the easiest to measure for laminate flooring. All that’s required is to measure the length and width of the room, and then multiply them to obtain its surface area.

Selection and Fitting

Unlike Karndean wood flooring which is vinyl, laminate flooring must be inspected to ensure that various packs will have grain which runs in the same direction. This will ensure that the flooring will have a unified and cohesive appearance.

Once the grain direction has been assured, it’s time to fit your flooring. This should be far more easily done now that you have all of the measurements you need. However, there are other issues that can pop up during installation that you should be aware of.

One of these is gapping, which can occur as the result of changes in temperature. While this is rare, it could affect you if the room your flooring will be laid experiences regular drops in temperature. During cold temperatures, the planks of laminate flooring can retract, causing gaps. To rectify this, it’s important to ensure that your flooring has had time to acclimatise to the temperature of the room in which it will be installed.

Another thing to watch for is chipping, which can occur due to poor methods of installation. Any installation of laminated flooring should be done using a tapping block and mallet, with no forcing of pieces.

You’ll also want to ensure that enough room has been left around skirting boards for your laminate planks to expand. Otherwise, your flooring may peak, or the boards jam up against each other.

Proper assessment of the floor area is crucial in order to ensure that no problems will be encountered during installation. This may require the eyes of a professional or a second person in order to confirm.

Linoleum and Vinyl – Is there any Difference?

Linoleum and vinyl are two terms which are used interchangeably by many. But are they really the same thing? Although one is often used as a substitute for another, and they are both types of resilient flooring, they are not one and the same.

Lino and vinyl flooring both have some things in common. For one, they are both able to return to their original shape with changes in temperature. As well, they are both resistant to stains and wear. Both types of flooring are available in rolls or tile form. Finally, vinyl flooring is a deliberate and man-made product introduced in the early 1930s, where lino was actually an accidental discovery made when linseed oil formed a ‘skin’ on a paint can in the mid-1800s.

Materials and Construction

Any kind of vinyl flooring, even products like Karndean flooring are constructed by combining several materials including felt, dye, fibreglass and, of course, vinyl. Linoleum, on the other hand, is made from several natural materials which include cork floors, tree resin, linseed oil and wood. Natural pigments and limestone are also ingredients in most lino flooring.


Linoleum flooring has natural anti-static and anti-microbial properties. This makes it an ideal choice for areas like the kitchen or an office which may house electronic components like computers or tablets. Linoleum is also fire retardant and very resistant to wear.

Vinyl offers added stability due to the fact that Ethylene and chlorine are used in its construction. These two ingredients also allow vinyl to resist heat very well as well as making it waterproof. Therefore, vinyl is also a great choice for a kitchen application. But its added durability also makes it a great option for high-traffic areas.


Although both vinyl and linoleum are very easily cleaned, the natural components of linoleum make more careful cleaning necessary. Where more durable vinyl flooring can be cleaned with standard products, lino is sensitive to high-pH. Therefore, if you choose the latter, any detergents you use to clean it should be of a neutral pH.


Because vinyl is known for its durability, it may be that this option is ideal for just about any room in your home that experiences a lot of wear. An example may be a child’s play room or dining area where the table, chairs or stools may be moved about on a regular basis. Linoleum flooring may be most ideal in areas experiencing use and wear that’s moderate or below. However, there are many brands of lino to choose from, some with more durability than others.

Choosing the right Flooring for your Home

The decision about whether to go with lino or vinyl flooring for your home depends on more than one factor. First, you will need to figure out what your rooms are being used for, and how long they will be used for that purpose. For example, a child’s playroom floor will need to last for a number of years, and through many different types of traffic and wear.

The next thing to consider is how much of an investment you wish to make. Vinyl tends to be the lower-cost option, but if you find it won’t suit your tastes in a year or two, your original investment will be higher. If you’re looking for more choice in patterns and colours, vinyl does offer a larger selection. However, colour only inhabits the top of vinyl flooring which can wear out quickly in high-traffic areas. With linoleum, the colour is present throughout its construction.

Choosing any flooring for your home should be a careful and deliberate process. Regardless of the way in which you wish to cover your floors, knowing the differences between vinyl and linoleum flooring can help you make an educated decision about which is best to purchase.


Should You Install Carpeting Yourself?

It is incredible how the right carpeting can transform a room. Whether used as a focal point or an accent, carpeting offers both beauty and practicality. And choosing the perfect carpeting for your home can be an enjoyable process. But it’s really only the initial step of the process; once you’ve purchased carpeting for your home, you will have to decide how it will be installed.

Most companies will offer an installation service for an additional fee. And some homeowners will prefer to save money by declining professional installation and installing carpeting themselves. But is this the best idea?

Do you have the Experience?

A high-cost carpet is no easier to install than a carpet you got for a bargain. And unless you know how to properly install it, the risk you take could be a result that affects your carpeting’s look as well as it’s longevity. The proper installation of carpeting involves ensuring the right fit around room edges and doorways. Clean and even lines are the key, and there should be no spaces or gaps between carpet pieces; they should be flush with each other as well as the doorways and room edges of your home.

In addition to this, it’s important to ensure that the pile of your carpeting is all facing in the same direction in order for your carpet to look its best and appear as smooth-looking as possible.

You might also wish to consider whether or not you have the right tools for the job. Carpet installation is one task that requires the proper tools. You may be able to borrow them if you don’t own them yourself. Of course, you could also borrow a friend who has the experience if you don’t.

Do you have the Time?

Fitting your own carpeting may not seem like a daunting task when you first think about it. But carpet fitting is a time-consuming process, even when professionals do it. This is because fitting carpet is an acquired skill, as any professional will tell you. Anything worth doing, such as installing carpeting, is worth investing time into completing the right way.

Will Doing it yourself save you Money?

How much money you save having your carpet installed or having a professional install it depends on a few factors besides the ones mentioned above. For one, the cost benefit depends on whether you think you will be able to achieve even and smooth coverage with as small an amount of carpet as possible.

Another thing to think about is carpet wear. The rate at which your carpet will wear is directly related to how well it’s been fitted as a whole, as well as how well the carpet’s seams have been fitted.

The bottom line is this; a well-fitted carpet that was installed by professionals can save you just as much – or more – money over the long run as saving the installation fee to do it yourself. It just depends on how you look at it. Although a professional fitting may not produce instant savings, you will save money because your carpet will have the possibility of a longer life, which will save you the cost to purchase carpeting sooner than you need to.

It’s your Investment

Purchasing new carpets to put in your Bedford home is an investment, no matter how much you paid for them. As well, it isn’t a purchase that you will be making every day. The bottom line is to decide which method will offer you the most value for money based on your skills, time and knowledge. You may be able to reap the best of both worlds by hiring an experienced friend to help you.

The Care and Feeding of your Vinyl Floors

Vinyl flooring is enjoying more popularity today than it ever has. Today’s laminate floors are not only durable, but also very stylish. And they are versatile; whether it’s Karndean vinyl flooring in the kitchen, or a rustic stone-look floor in the bathroom, today’s laminates certainly offer a great way to express your personal style.

However, your vinyl flooring also represents an investment; although modern floors offer much more in the way of durability and longevity than they used to, they can still sustain damage from any number of mishaps. And if you want to keep your flooring for as long as possible, knowing how to address each threat can help you get the most out of your investment.

Prevention is the first Step

When you’re busy using your rooms and moving furniture around, accidents can most certainly happen. Scuffing and tearing can quickly cause a vinyl floor to look far older than its actual age. But as they say, ‘An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’. You can prevent unsightly scuffs or tears by checking the legs of your furniture. Are the ends of furniture legs smooth? If not, they may mark your floors. However, don’t despair; rough ends can be made smooth and safe by replacing them with glides. Available in plastic, metal and glass, furniture glides offer protection for your vinyl floors as well as a touch of subtle style to furniture legs.

A Proper Wash

Regardless of the kind of vinyl flooring you’ve installed in your home, the same rule applies for all: vinyl flooring should only be occasionally washed. No abrasive cleaners should ever be used on vinyl floors, as they can cause unnecessary damage. Instead, use a mild cleaner. You can also make your own floor cleaner with 1 part vinegar to 4 parts water.

Although you may have considered purchasing floor cleaning products that add shine, these may actually dull your vinyl floors, and so are best avoided. Steaming should also be avoided, as their high temperature not only can damage the surface of flooring, but may also contribute to the loosening of adhesives.

Stains and Spills

Believe it or not, it’s important to avoid using coloured cloths when cleaning stains and spills from your vinyl floors. Some colours may bleed and be absorbed, which can also cause your flooring to look dull and older than you want it to. A white cloth is best for the job of stain and spill removal. You can also use a non-abrasive scrubbing pad to remove common stains like juice, grass and food.

For rust stains, you can treat your vinyl floors with lemon juice, which is also a great colour lightener and may work for stubborn stains. However, it’s important not to leave it on your floors for too long, lest it also lighten your floors. You can also use cream of tartar for rust stains. Products like hair dye and ink can be removed by rubbing some isopropyl alcohol on the stain.

Smudges and Scuffs

Whether your guests have left marks from their shoes or you forgot to replace the glides on furniture legs when last you moved it; there is no doubt that scuffs and smudges are not a pretty addition to your vinyl floors. Thankfully, they can be removed. But you will have to address them as soon as possible after you notice them. The best way to remove these kinds of marks on your vinyl flooring is to scrub the area with mild floor cleaner and your trusty non-abrasive scrubbing pad.

When products are used according to instructions and some time and care is taken, your vinyl flooring can be enjoyed for years to come.

Use Flooring in New Ways for a Unique Look

If you want a new look for the rooms in your home, but are seeking something that’s a better reflection of your taste and personality, there are other options besides choosing a single unique carpet, tile or wood floor. You can change all of the floors in your home to just the way you want them, simply by thinking differently about your flooring.

Unusual Patterns with Pieces

When you think of carpeting, you might think of a single colour in a room, or an Oriental rug on top of existing carpet. But what about carpet pieces? Think of a colour scheme you might like to have in your bedroom or living room. Then, start looking for those colours. You may be able to find carpets for sale in your local Bedford newspaper. If you can get hold of high-quality carpeting in excellent shape that was removed from a home, even better.

Once you’ve gathered your ideal collection of colours, it’s time to decide on a pattern, and then decide how you’re going to cut your carpet pieces. You may find a lot of inspiration online from others who have done the same thing. Finally, you’ll lay your pieces in your desired pattern on your floor. Then, all that’s left will be for you to replace your furniture and relax and enjoy your brand new look.

If this is your first time using carpet pieces, another tip that can make things easier is to purchase carpet tiles. These smaller pieces can be much easier to measure and cut.

Unexpected Vinyl

Who says vinyl flooring is just for the kitchen or bathroom? Using vinyl flooring in a bedroom is a smart and stylish way to change things up. Today’s vinyl flooring can look like just about anything, including wood and stone. As well, modern vinyl materials are much softer and warmer underfoot than they used to be. But you don’t have to stop there; you can place a rug on top for extra flair, or even try the cutting trick mentioned above – simply choose several different colours and styles of vinyl tile, and lay them in your desired pattern.

A Meeting of the Rugs

Rug carpeting is as popular as it ever was. The good news is that there are several styles and colours to choose from. Even better is the fact that these days, anything goes as far as style. You may have several rugs throughout your home. If you don’t want the hassle or the cost of purchasing, measuring and cutting new carpeting, how about using what you already have?

You can create an eclectic air in any room by placing more than one rug on your floor. Doing this will add colour and whimsy. And, by placing a collection of beloved rugs in one room, you can create an instant feel-good space.

Section it Off

If the above tips and tricks just aren’t different enough, you can punch up the style of a room and add even more personality to it by using flooring to separate it into sections. For example, you may wish to separate your sleeping area from your dressing table. If this is the case, you can consider placing a plush carpet or rug under your bed, and smooth and shiny vinyl flooring under your dressing table. Or, reverse this combination.

Of course, there are many different flooring materials out there, and you can use any of them in any combination to transform the rooms of your home. The only limit to a flooring style that’s uniquely you is your imagination. Your home is your space, and such, you can make it as unique, lovely and impressive as you like.


Bathroom Flooring’s Many Options

When you’ve decided to finally redo your out-dated or worn-looking bathroom, the flooring you choose will be one of several considerations you’ll have to make. You’ll discover that there certainly are a large number of available options.

Making the choice about the ideal bathroom flooring can be daunting, because your floor must both be practical as well as beautiful. And each type of bathroom floor has its own set of unique properties.

Lovely Linoleum

Linoleum is enjoying a comeback, thanks to the popularity of environmentally-friendly materials. Linoleum is made of all-natural components, and is incredibly strong and durable. It is also available in a wide variety of textures, colours and patterns, giving you limitless options for colour and style. The trick with choosing linoleum that will last through the years and styles is choosing a colour and pattern that is likely to remain stylish for the long term.

Timeless Laminate

Laminate flooring continues to be a popular choice because it can emulate the look of several materials, including hardwood and marble. Laminate bathroom flooring is practical, as it is often water-resistant as well as being stain-proof. Laminate flooring is also durable as well as being easy to clean, which makes it an ideal choice for covering bathroom floors of any size.

Stone and Ceramic Tile

Tile flooring, whether stone or ceramic brings a luxurious air to any bathroom. Stone tile is usually constructed of marble, slate, limestone or granite and presents a great way to add a classy finishing touch. Stone does represent a costlier choice for flooring in bathrooms, but the investment is with it, as stone offers a high degree of durability which means it will retain its beauty for many years.

Ceramic tile combines beautiful looks with a luxurious feel. Available in a wide range of sizes and shapes, ceramic tile can also mimic the look of natural stone, but at a much lower cost. Ceramic tile offers ease of cleaning as well as durability. When choosing ceramic tile flooring for your bathroom, a textured variety is best so as to prevent any possible chance of slippage.


Carpeting is a popular option for bathroom floors, although perhaps not a viable solution for the entire floor. Many love the softness of carpeting in the bathroom, and to ensure it retains its colour and luxuriousness, placing towels or bath mats on top is best. When considering carpeting for the bathroom, consider wool, as this material is naturally anti-mildew and dries far more quickly than other carpeting materials.

Wood Flooring

Wood can give your bathroom a unique and warm look. However, the use of real wood in the bathroom is not recommended due to its tendency to warp when exposed to dampness over the long term. Engineered wood flooring offers a viable alternative, having all of the great looks of real wood, as well as long-term durability. Another option is wood-imitation floors made of vinyl, such as can be had with Karndean flooring.

Rubber Tiles

Another viable option for wood flooring is rubber tiles. Not only are they soft and offer lots of cushioning, but they are also easy to clean and are incredibly durable. There are many styles of rubber tile available, and it’s important to choose one with a style having elements suited to the bathroom in a home.

The answer to which flooring is best for bathrooms may never be found, as this is a hotly-debated topic that has yet to offer a single or definite solution. The ideal solution for your bathroom is one that suits not only your budget, but also your unique style and theme of the room. It will also be the flooring that will stand up to what your home will put it through over the years.

Choosing the Best Rug Pad Material

When looking for a rug pad for your home, it’s important to consider the thickness of the rug that the pad will be placed under, as this will ensure that your rug does not become a tripping hazard. However, another thing to consider is the material that the rug pad is made of. This is because some materials offer different benefits than others.


Many suppliers of rug pads have been environmentally certified, meaning that they can validate the source materials their rug pads are made of. This ensures that any statements about a rug pad, such as that it’s been made of recycled materials, can be verified. The same is true of any rug pad claiming to adhere to regulations for indoor air quality.

Natural Materials

Many claim that rug pads made of natural materials are the ideal choice. The most common types of natural rug pads are recycled felt and 100% natural rubber. However, rug pads made from wool are also popular. The reason natural rug pads are so popular is because rubber, felt and wool materials are very dense, which provide a rug with stability. As well thee materials do no damage to floor finishes, regardless of flooring type. Natural rug pads can work as well on hardwood and vinyl floors as they do tile or carpeting.

Consideration for Felt Rug Pads

If you have or plan to buy an Oriental rug, then a felt rug bad is best. This especially popular rug pad material will provide a luxurious feel whilst at the same time providing heat and sound insulation. The felt rug pad will not completely prevent the rug from moving, however. But the good news is that this is easily overcome by purchasing a felt and rubber combination rug pad.

Considerations for Wool Rug Pads

Wool rug pads are ideal for those with latex allergies, although they may not be the best choice for those with airborne allergies. Not only is wool renewable, but it’s also sustainable and biodegradable. In addition, wool offers safety because it is naturally flame retardant. It also works well in situations where sound-proofing and thermal insulation is required.

Considerations for Natural Rubber Rug Pads

Rug pads made of natural rubber work best where you need to ensure no slipping, but also where there is limited space for clearance, such as beneath a door. Unfortunately, the majority of natural rubber rug pads offer neither cushioning nor insulation as their felt and rubber counterparts do.

Pads for Rugs on Carpeting

Placing a rug on top of carpeting can create an attractive focal point in a room or bring other room elements together. But in order to ensure that the rug doesn’t sink into the carpeting due to foot traffic or the weight of furniture, a dense rug pad is needed. As well, the thickness should be around ¼ inch. Most pads for placement on carpets in Bedford contain one texture to adhere to the bottom of the rug, and a different texture – usually felt – which grabs the carpeting below the pad.

Proper Sizing of Rug Pads

When measuring for your rug pad, ensure that it is about one inch smaller on every side than the size of your rug. This will allow for the relaxing of the rug edges to the floor.

Any rug pad can be cleaned by sponging it or brushing gently using a scrub brush and a water/mild detergent mix. As far as cost is concerned, quality pads made of rubber or felt will typically cost more than their lower-quality PVC counterparts. However, there are many rug pad types on the market, meaning there is a perfect rug pad for your budget.

Why Choose Wall-to-Wall?

Although all-to-wall carpeting went out of style for a time – for reasons that are as yet unclear – the fact remains that it is suited to many applications. Not only does it provide a comfortable space to sit no matter where you do so, but it’s also a soft and luxurious alternative to harder flooring.

The Safety Factor

Having carpeting installed in your home can add a layer of safety. Not only are your footsteps cushioned by carpeting, but the chances of slipping are also practically eliminated. Should someone fall on a carpet, they will experience a much softer landing. This is especially welcome news for households with little ones who are just learning to walk, or elderly inhabitants wishing to reduce their injury risk. Pets can also benefit from carpeting, as it provides the traction needed to round corners without sliding into walls.

More Warmth

Carpeting is famous for its insulating properties. Thanks to underlay which keeps the cold at the foundation whilst helping the carpet to hold heat, this floor covering can increase the comfort of many a cold night. As well, all of the benefits of this added insulation can come through in lower costs for heating.

A Quieter Home

In addition to being able to insulate against the cold, carpeting can also make for quieter living with its sound-insulating properties. Carpeting absorbs noise, making it a great product to place in children’s rooms as well as in areas of high traffic, such as living rooms. In an apartment building where neighbours are above and below, the addition of carpeting can certainly be a welcome one, as it provides a between-floor barrier that greatly reduces the transmission of sound to neighbouring flats.

Stress-Free Maintenance

Those with pets understand the constant sweeping involved with other flooring types. Not so with carpet; vacuuming and the occasional shampooing is all it takes. Even pet stains are easily cleaned, thanks to new technology that allows for easy removal when immediate treatment takes place.

Affordable Luxury

Carpets are available in an incredibly wide range of pile heights, from Berber to shag carpeting. It’s also available in a large variety of colours and patterns. Whether you’re looking for the plush of a luxury hotel, or simply want a sound and heat-insulating floor covering that can stand up to what you put it through, there is an option for your needs.

The Durability you need

Whether its Victoria carpets you choose or another of the many available brands, durability is definitely something that today’s carpets possess. Whilst different carpet types will respond differently to foot traffic and wear, there are several other options available which can increase the life and look of carpet, such as stain-proofing.


The versatility of carpeting simply cannot be denied. With so many colours and patterns available, any taste from traditional to contemporary can be satisfied. However, this can make it difficult to choose just one carpet colour or pattern.

There’s even an option for those wanting the best of both worlds. All of the benefits of carpeting can be had, as well as the beautiful view of the wood, stone or other flooring below with a ‘nearly rug’ – a large piece of carpeting which has been bound at its edges, but which doesn’t cover the entire floor. This look can be easily achieved by placing carpeting where you’d like it, and then leaving a border of between 12 and 18 inches to expose the flooring beneath.

Carpeting can come in at far less costly than other flooring types, although it depends on many factors including type, materials construction and cost of under padding. But whichever way you look at it, there is no doubt that carpeting can be a great flooring choice.

Wood Floor Direction: Which Is Best For You?

Whether you’ve chosen to purchase real or engineered flooring, and regardless of whether it’s in a laminate or plank style, there will be one more decision to make before you have it installed: you will need to decide which direction your wood flooring will be placed. This article covers the two main orientations for wood flooring planks to be most commonly laid, which is in the straight and diagonal directions.

The Benefits of Straight-Laid Flooring

Basically, you can run your wood flooring in any straight direction from north to south or east to west if the flooring will run in straight lines. If you’ve decided on the straight route for your flooring, then one way to make the area of your floor look larger is to choose orientation by the longest walls.

Laying your flooring in a straight orientation is very simple, both if you decide to do it or you hire installers to. As well, laying flooring in this pattern allows for very little waste to be created, as no cutting is required. This means that more of your purchased flooring can be used.

Continuity is another benefit of laying flooring in straight lines. When run through an open space or several rooms, such as connected rooms along a hallway, this can serve to bring several elements and features of a home together, as well as make hallways appear to be longer.

Whilst laying floors in this way may not offer the most unique option, nor be the best choice for unusual room shapes, laying floors in a straight direction can take far less time.

Another way to lay flooring straight is by placing it not along the longest line of a room, but perpendicular to it. This too is a straight pattern, but is far less common than laying flooring along a room’s longest lines. Although many more cuts are required in order to lay floor in this direction, the perpendicular style can work very well in situations where the widening of a narrow room is needed, as it emphasises existing width.

The Case for a Diagonal Direction

Laying your engineered wood flooring in a diagonal direction also has benefits. First, it allows for the creation of very long lines, which can increase the appearance of a room’s size by a great deal. Diagonal flooring is commonly seen in flats and condominiums, where it’s important to have an open, large look and feel. The non-traditional placement of wood flooring in a diagonal direction also helps to normalise oddly-shaped rooms, or rooms that contain unusual angles.

Some skill is required to lay flooring in a diagonal direction, as finding a starting point can be challenging. As well, installing flooring in this direction requires mitring at the edges and therefore, causes the generation of more waste.

Despite its challenges, lying flooring diagonally can give it a unique and appealing appearance.

No Direction

Another way to give a unique look to the rooms in a home is to install flooring in no specific direction. This can be done by staining existing flooring a dark colour and then applying sealing. A strategy like this can work well because staining allows the texture of the flooring to come through, whilst rendering the between-board seals invisible.

If you’ve lived in a your home for some time and have found you’ve gotten tired of your existing flooring or feel it’s gone out of style, the above ideas can certainly help to inject some interest. There are also several other directions in which to lay your flooring, including in the parquet, herringbone, square and inset. A future article will cover these styles and more.

Buying a Rug? Don’t Forget Your Rug Pad

These days, there is a wealth of rug styles and colours to choose from. The right rug, when placed in a room can add an entirely new layer of colour and texture. However, a lot of damage can be the result if you haven’t included a rug pad. But is having a rug pad really so important? The short answer is yes. The last thing a rug pad should be is an afterthought.

Rug Pads Increase Safety

Regardless of the type of rug you have, there needs to be a way to keep it in place. Not doing so will increase the risks of guests tripping, slipping and possibly sustaining injury. By including a rug pad, you can ensure that the rug will be held fast against your floor without sliding.

Another potential of not using a rug pad is that the corners may curl, or the rug may bunch, causing a dangerous – and unexpected – obstacle. But a rug pad can also prevent this. Those who love their rugs best when they’re on centre will also love the idea of a rug pad, as it can prevent the creeping that can occur when a rug is only kept in place by furniture.

Rug Pads Protect your Floor

Having a rug pad cushions your rug, preventing it from rubbing against your flooring and causing damage. But not all rug pads are created equally; floor damage can be the result if the wrong rug pad is chosen.

Pads made of either latex or natural rubber are the best choice for rug pads, as they allow the floor beneath them to ‘breathe’. Other materials like PVC or vinyl often used in rug pads may ‘sweat’ and keep moisture on the floor’s surface, causing damage.

What about Non-Skid Backing?

Many rugs will come with not an underlay, but a backing that prevents skidding. Whilst this does help to keep the rug flexible, it’s important to make sure that the backing won’t react with the finish of your flooring. A chemical reaction on flooring has likely occurred if the floor has yellowed.

Finding the right Rug Backing

The rug backing that is best for your application will depend on the weave, thickness and size of your rug.

If your rug is small, a thin pad that prevents slipping is best. If you are placing your small rug in a high-traffic area, this padding is even more important. If you have a large rug such as an 8×10 or larger, there may be a much smaller risk of slipping. If this is the case, you will likely not need much more than a felt pad underneath to keep the rug where it should be as well as protect the underlying flooring. 3/8 of an inch is the maximum thickness you should choose for your large rug pad.

For thick rugs, a thin rug pad is best, as one that’s too thin can actually cause a tripping hazard. Those with thin rugs already know about their tendency for corner curling. A rubber and felt combination rug pad is best for thin rugs like kilims, and up to ¼ inch thick is best.

Two of the most popular rug pads are made of 100% natural rubber or of felt that has been recycled. Indeed, natural materials are what you want to look for when choosing a rug pad. Some rug pads are made of wool, which is a sound choice. Natural materials like wool will not threaten your floor’s finish.

If some padding is preferred, a thinner rug pad will not offer this. But taking a good look at the traffic in the room your rug is in is a good place to start when looking for the right rug pad for use on bare floors or over carpets in your Bedfordshire home.
