Carpet Tile Installation Tips

Carpet tiles continue to be an ideal alternative to traditional carpeting. Not only are carpet tiles easier to install, clean and wash than wall-to-wall Mayfield Carpets but they are also a great way to add lots of style to a room, thanks to the many colours and styles that are available. Carpet tiles are also incredibly versatile, due to their ability to be moved, removed and replaced, which is especially convenient if an accident occurs that ruins the carpeting. Instead of having to replace the carpet in the entire room, you only need to replace a few tiles.


Carpet tiles are ideal for anyone having a small budget and little or no traditional carpet installation experience who wishes to change up a room’s look. Even the most inexperienced homeowner can achieve complete installation of carpet tiles in under a day.

Step 1 – Getting the Square Footage

First of all, you’ll need to determine how many tiles you’ll require for your room. This will require getting the room’s square footage. To do this, you simply multiply the width of your room by its length. Then, consult your nearest carpeting store, where you can either try and determine how many tiles you’ll need on your own, or speak with an experienced installer to get the right number.

One great tip is to purchase more tiles than you need. This will allow you to have extras on hand should damage occur in the future.

Step 2 – Cleaning

Before installing flooring of any kind, the floor needs to be prepared. For the installation of carpet tiles, this means removing any old rugs or carpeting, moving any furniture completely out of the room and then vacuuming the floor to ensure that no dirt is left behind. This will leave you with a completely clean floor for your installation.

Step 3 – Decide on a Pattern and Locate the Room’s Centre

Who said that carpet tiles can’t be laid in a pattern? There are numerous potential patterns that your carpet tiles can take on, and the only limit is your imagination. If you’ve decided on a pattern, you will need to decide how you want it to look. Often, this will mean laying your tiles from the centre of the room. To find the centre, each wall will need to be measured and then divided by two. You can use a pencil to mark each wall’s halfway point. Then, take a chalk line and, from the mark you made on each wall, find out where the lines meet. This is the exact centre.

Step 4 – Placement

Look at the chalk like you just made, and then place your tile at the intersection of the two lines. Your tile should be evenly placed on both lines. To make sure everything is the way you want it, it’s a good idea not to adhere the tiles to the floor as yet. Instead, lay them out to confirm they are aligned correctly. Ensure they are fitted together tightly, and check for any arrows on the tiles, as this will indicate the direction in which they should be laid. Continue laying tiles in this direction until the last complete tile is laid.

Step 5 – Edge Fittings

The edges of your carpet tiles may require cutting to fit them properly at room’s edge. This can be done by flipping the tile upside down and then putting it underneath the last complete tile in a row, marking where the latter ends. Then, use a knife and carpenter’s square to cut the tile, and ensure you are cutting away from the floor and on a hard surface.

Step 6 – Final Installation

Once you’ve checked your pattern and the alignment of the individual tiles, it’s time to install them. Depending on the tiles you’ve chosen, all that may be needed is to remove the adhesive backing before fixing them to your floor. Others may require a bit more work to fix properly.

Before you know it, your room will have a completely different look with a stylish design that can be changed or easily replaced when you want something different or accidental damage has occurred.